“Someone I love walks the streets of Chico. Someone who grew up here and has family nearby who cares. A sensitive, kind man who just can’t break through the layers that accompany meth addiction. When I pass them I now turn. I look into their eyes. Is it him? I know up close and personal the place of wanting to help. To fix. But the layers, so many layers. In the midst of this reality I find strength and hope knowing the people at Point of Contact Chico care. They know.
They are part of my team.”
- Jodi Williams
Hello my name is Sean Farrell, I am an addict in long term recovery. I grew up in chapman town located in Chico California. As I got older I found myself in and out of jail and other institutions. I became hopelessly addicted to meth, heroin and any other narcotics I could get my hands on, that would change the pain I was feeling. Years seemed to fly by as I lived on the streets of Chico. Not being able to find a solution by myself, I finally had enough and walked into the Jesus Center Resource Center. That is where I met Laurie Maloney and other staff who welcomed me and helped me into a local rehab facility that ultimately got me on a path that would change my life forever.
I now live out of state where I have been clean and sober for some time. I am now the President of a clean and sober house in my local area where I am able to guide others in their recovery. I'm also a state certified Recovery Mentor which enables me to spend my days giving back what was so freely given to me. I am truly a blessed man.
If I had not had a place to walk into and receive the compassion of strangers, I would probably still be on the streets of Chico getting loaded. That compassion is what showed me that I was worth the fight. I can't thank the caring citizens of Chico enough for giving me a hand up when I was in need of a friend and support.